IR - International Relations
International Relations (Uluslararası İlişkiler), published by the International Relations Council of Turkey (IRCT), is a double-blind reviewed, multidisciplinary journal open to articles on international relations, political history, international law, security studies, diplomacy, and international political economy. Launched in 2004, International Relations (Uluslararası İlişkiler) aims to contribute to the global International Relations literature by engaging theoretically and empirically grounded original works. IR is open to all methodological approaches and welcomes unsolicited scholarly submissions and book reviews.
Latest issue.
Online First
The 'Online First' section serves as a scholarly repository for the most recent contributions to our journal, made available prior to their inclusion in a finalized print volume.
Call for Papers
Any current calls for papers for International Relations on a special theme or topic, with a specific deadline for submission, will be listed below. The journal, however, remains open for general, unsolicited, submissions year-round. Please visit the "Instructions for Authors" page and "Publication Policy and Ethics" page for further information.
Alternatively, if you wish to submit a proposal for preparing a special issue for International Relations with on a special theme or topic with guest editor(s), please get in touch with the Managing Editor for instruction.
Instructions for Authors
International Relations uses in-text author-date system for references. All manuscripts submitted to the journal should strictly follow the guidelines below.
The word limit for submissions is 6000-8000 words, including the abstract, key words and references.
Evaluation Process
How does the peer review process for the articles work? This page has been prepared to briefly explain paper evaluation processes of journal of International Relations.
IR Dataverse Usage
This guide outlines the steps for authors to submit their research data to Uluslararası İlişkiler's Dataverse repository upon article acceptance. It covers requirements for quantitative and optional guidelines for non-quantitative data. It also details the registration process, dataset uploading, terms of use, and citation format. The submission process ensures transparency and replicability of published work.